Sunday, January 02, 2011

Bring it on 2011!!

2010 was one record breaking year. It started with my water breaking and ended with my toe breaking. It has been THE most happening year so far. I have had enough things happening to me all my life but this one takes the cake. There have been so many firsts it doesn't make sense to enumerate them here. What I however do want to do is throw light on things that happened in MY life.

I became a mother. Enough has been said about motherhood right from purely soppy to utterly ridiculous. All I want to say is that it is one helluva ride and I don't feel sick most of the times.

I turned 30. It definitely is a big deal. However the fear of turning 'old' somehow diminishes once you cross over the dreaded Three Oh. Suddenly people who are 35 don't seem that old. 30 does not become the new 21, but 50 definitely becomes the new 40.

I broke my toe. My first fracture. Pity it came 4 days after I turned 30. Kinda shook my faith in '30 ain't that old'.

Sachin Tendulkar scored 200 in an ODI innings. I know that has nothing to do with me, but it is still a part of my life.

And that's all I can think of right now! A rather poor score for a happening year. But the happening part has been all about the little bundle that came into our life in the beginning of the year. I had heard how babies change your life forever, but I had underestimated just how much!! Now if I list my achievements that include Mihir, I would have a long list. I just wish I had something exclusive with Aditya as well.

So here's my goal for 2011 - my highlights of the year would feature me, we two and us three in equal measures.

Bring it on 2011, its your ass and my foot (with a broken toe).


At 3:59 AM, Blogger Maitreyee said...

Well focussed! Straight from the heart! I'm pretty sure the fracture was THE inspiration and the last line came before everything before it! ;-)


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