Monday, March 16, 2009

A Tale of a Table

Its funny how one piece of furniture can change your life…

We have been here for more than 6 months now and settled quite well. Aditya’s been busy with his office, I have my library and other domestic chores to keep me occupied. Weekends are a blast! Everything was going well and yet something was missing. The feeling of permanency was absent. This still felt transient at times. But on Saturday we bought our dining table and life suddenly is complete!

When we moved here, being on a tight budget meant we could buy only the ‘essential’ items. That included the sofa and the bed. The kitchen was already equipped. A kind friend lent us his extra TV (which was kept on the floor for almost 3 months). And thus began a new phase of our life. Coming from a completely ‘settled’ home in Bangalore, it was very difficult to make do with just the basic stuff. But slowly we started adding stuff. So in the kitchen the number of dishes went up from 4 to 10, our spare bedroom got its own lamp and our house guests were no longer required to bring their own bath towels. In spite of all these riches, we still ate our meals sitting on the sofa in the living room. We kept postponing buying the one piece of furniture that was to bring so much joy to our hearts. Buying a dining table meant investing long(ish) term and we were waiting for a signal that would justify the investment. We got our signal last week. In the current economic situation what else should the signal be but layoffs! Aditya did not feature on that unfortunate list and we made it! (How narrowly and for how long, only time will tell.) But this was the signal we were waiting for. And thus on Saturday we made the historic journey from Ikea to home with the table tied on top of our car. (The ‘tied table’ actually made the trip historic. More details on that topic will be supplied by Aditya on demand.)

Thus on Saturday we had the most satisfying dinner we have had here so far. And on Sunday it was a moment of joy and pride to see our guests enjoy their dinner sitting on a proper table.

Its funny how one piece of furniture can change your life…


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