Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Good Year

It’s been exactly a year since I quit my job and became a full time house wife. In short, it is appraisal time. Well, at least self appraisal. This one year can be divided into two major parts, 7 months in India and 5 in the US. It definitely was one of the most happening years in a long time. A lot of things went according to plan, some didn’t and some absolutely didn’t.

The reason I used to quit my job was that we were to move to US. After a lot of contemplation and re-planning we finally made the move. The transition was anything but easy. Leaving Bangalore was heart breaking. But I am really glad we moved here! We have been here 5 months but it feels like we have been here forever and yet how time passed! We have made some great friends and gotten back in touch with some long lost friends. My weekdays are quite busy and weekends are super happening! We have explored some places around and have already had one great vacation. And with spring round the corner, things are about to get hot!!

I always believed given time, I could read all my life. My dream job apart from a lot of money includes lot of reading. But in reality that hasn’t quite panned out the way I thought it would. I am not spending every waking moment reading. As a matter of fact, I read only at night. In the last 2-3 months, I must have read just about 4-5 books, which is less than my average. But on the plus side, since moving to US and started volunteering at the library, I have started reading different type of books (which kind of explains the amount of time each book takes.) But I still could do better.

My fitness level and my resolutions to improve it has always been a joke at home. I had tried working out before in office and as with most of my trials this too failed. So after literally sitting at home for 2 months, I decided to join aerobics, even if just to kill time. And that brought about a new revelation: working out can be fun! I could not pursue it for long in India, but after coming here and settling down, I am hitting the gym so regularly that even Aditya has stopped taunting me about my ‘resolutions’. It has definitely improved my fitness level. I shall, however, refrain from commenting on how it reflects on my weighing scale.

During my stay in India I got to spend an obscene amount of time watching cricket. I watched every single minute of the games India played in Commonwealth Bank series in Australia last year. (And ALL the repeat airings.) Not only was the result very satisfactory, but I also witnessed the rise of the Great Indian ODI Win Machine. I devoted a lot of time to IPL as well. Even here though my eternal quest for a website streaming live cricket action continues, I follow every ball on cricinfo and get vicarious pleasure in our victories. Its been the most rewarding year cricket wise (since 1998). And with T20 world cup coming up in a few months, life looks very promising.

I have never been an enthusiastic cook. I cook only because I have to. However during the last year, I have started experimenting a lot in the kitchen. I actually devote quite some time browsing recipes on the net and try out at least one new dish once a fortnight. I don’t think it is a direct effect of sitting at home because my cooking routine is same as before. But I think the leisure I have during the day helps. Well, I am not complaining and Aditya definitely isn’t. Or so I like to believe!

So such has been my year at home. It does get boring sometimes and my bank balance does not help in lifting my spirits on a low day. But all in all I have enjoyed it and definitely would not mind another year like this!

Overall rating: Exceeds expectations!!


At 5:00 AM, Blogger Maitreyee said...

yaayy!! finally you have written something..and very well that. Keep it up!

At 5:04 AM, Blogger Vivek Menon said...

Did you know that a movie exists with the same name ?? :P
Watch it if you haven't already.

At 6:28 AM, Blogger Ila said...

Ya dude I knew.


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