Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Things I will miss when my boys grow up

Things I will miss when my boys grow up

  1. ‘Mamma’: If I had a dime for every time this word is screamed, cried, whispered, croaked, chanted in the house, well, I would still be responding to the call. Almost every sentence begins with a Mamma - sometimes even the one addressed to Baba. Its an amazing, and sometimes overwhelming, feeling to be your children’s whole world.
  2. The MESS: On most days our house resembles an earthquake/tornado hit area when the boys are up and about. There is a landmine of cars, legos, trains tracks, tiny pieces of paper with scribbling on them, books, rubber bands (damn you, Rainbow loom!), beads and numerous nameless tiny objects that are extremely important to them. If I am ever missing an item from my kitchen, I am guaranteed to find it in their lair.
  3. Mihir’s many, many projects
  4. Om’s ‘Princess’ phase: The absolutely unreasonable demands and expectations, though  annoying at the time, are so endearing in posterity. 
  5. The NOISE: With 3 talkative people in the house there isn’t much scope for quiet. But the talking is also accompanied by loud, tuneless singing, shouting, giggling, crying, laughing, meowing (Om), whining and chanting. Sometimes it is impossible to hear your own thoughts (which, at that time, are best ignored since they are likely to border on violent, just to end the noise)
  6. The spontaneous chanting: Anything and everything can be converted into a chant.  And those chants stay with you for a long long time.
  7. The absence of personal space: Kids have no boundaries. They climb on you, sit on any part of you they find accessible, poke you, pull your hair and then there are all the bodily fluids that you can be 'rewarded' with. On the other hand there are all the hugs and cuddles and kisses that make every problem in the world melt away.

Even though I claim all the time how I can’t wait for them to grow up, I know deep down I am going to miss all the madness that has been my life for the last 5 years. And I won’t complain if it continues a little longer.