IPL = Ila's Parted Loyalties
One major advantage of being at home is being able to devote as much time as you want to CRICKET! For me it is like going back to my school days when my life revolved around cricket (and a certain cricketer). I enjoyed the entire Australian tour and it was made doubly enjoyable thanks to the result (yippee we won!!) and a personal discovery of a new hero. And with 24 days to go for IPL, I can hardly wait. Though I am glad about the SA series that would distract me from the ‘Dharma-sankat’ I will be facing once IPL commences. With ‘my’ team distributed amongst different teams and actually pitted against each other it’s very difficult for me to decide my loyalties.
Chennai is amongst my least favorite cities. (Actually it’s my most hated city; I just did not want to hurt anyone’s regional sentiments.) But the team’s acquisition of the highest bidded player of the IPL and my recent development of a serious form of attachment towards this certain gutsy cricketer (who shall remain nameless) has added a third angle to the dilemma and has rocketed the odds in Chennai’s favor. So now I am stuck with 3 favorite teams out of 8!